15-18 September 2024, Toruń

NEW: Program of the conference (pdf)


NEW: Book of Abstracts (pdf)


Torun Carbon Symposium has been organized since 1992 by the Polish Carbon Society (ptw.edu.pl). The eleventh edition (TCS 2024) falls one year after the celebration of the Copernican year (2023) and one year before the 40th anniversary of the discovery of fullerenes (1985). The theme of the conference - Copernican Revolution in Carbon Science - is a reference to these anniversaries. The concept of fullerenes was difficult for skeptics to accept because it required acceptance of the presence of complex carbon structures in nature. The fullerene hypothesis and experimental evidence of its existence changed the way of thinking about carbon, which in "the pre-Copernican paradigm" could only exist in two allotropic varieties - diamond and graphite. "The post-Copernican paradigm" in carbon science has resulted in the synthesis of new carbon materials with reduced dimensionality, including nanotubes and graphene, exhibiting a spectrum of impressive properties, so to speak, opening up the field of nanotechnology. The change in thinking has led to development of a wide spectrum of materials with reduced dimensionality that revolutionize science and technology.

The conference will discuss achievements and new challenges facing carbon materials in various allotropic forms, from 0-dimensional to 3-dimensional structures, as well as other synthetic carbon materials used in aerospace, automotive, construction, energy conversion and storage, electronics or optics. Issues related to modern applications of carbon materials in medicine or environmental protection will be discussed, as well as topics aimed at working towards reducing the negative impact of carbon-related industries on the natural environment.

Conference partners

Tokai COBEX is a partner of the conference. It is a global company producing high-quality carbon and graphite products. The product portfolio range includes cathode blocks for aluminum smelting and linings for blast furnaces which are used for the production of pig iron. Tokai COBEX also produces carbon electrodes and Soederberg paste used in metallurgical smelting processes for products such as silicon metal, as well as speciality graphite for a variety of applications e.g. in the chemical industry.

The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship is a partner of the conference. The region's strong scientific position is historically established. Nicolaus Copernicus, Albert Michelson and Jan Czochralski came from here. These outstanding personalities also include Prof. Kazimierz Antonowicz, founder of the Polish school of carbon science and pioneer of research on high-temperature superconductivity in carbon materials.

Coti Conference is a company with 15 years' experience, specialising in providing financial and technical support for scientific and specialist conferences from several dozen to several hundred participants.

Main topics of TCS 2024 conference include:

  • Novel carbon structures and composites,
  • Experimental, theoretical and modeling approaches to carbon materials,
  • Carbon materials for energy conversion and storage,
  • Carbon materials for electronics and optics,
  • Carbon materials for medicine and biology,
  • Carbon materials for environment protection,
  • Carbon based composites and nanocomposites,
  • Synthetic carbon and graphite used in industry,
  • New trends in carbon materials technology.

photo Maria Leżańska

Key dates

  • 26 February 2024 - Opening Abstract Submission
  • Notification of the acceptance of the abstract will be sent as soon as possible, the decision on the type of presentation (oral, poster) will be sent before July 15, 2024
  • 30 June 2024 - Abstract Submission deadline
  • 15 July 2024 – Deadline for hotels reservation
  • 22 July 2024 – Early bird payment deadline
  • 1 August 2024 - Late deadline for Abstracts submission (poster only)

The honorary patronage of the conference was taken by:

  • Mr Piotr Całbecki, Marshall of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship

  • Mr Paweł Gulewski, Mayor of the City of Toruń

  • prof. Jacek Woźny, Rector of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz,
    logo_KW.jpg https://www.ukw.edu.pl/

  • prof. Ph.D. engineer Jerzy Lis, Rector of the AGH University of Krakow,
    agh https://www.agh.edu.pl

  • prof. Ph.D. engineer Arkadiusz Mężyk, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice
    SUT https://www.polsl.pl

  • prof. Ph.D. engineer Anna Boczkowska, Dean of Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

  • prof. Ph.D. Iwona Łakomska, Dean of Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

  • the European Carbon Association (ECA).

    ECA https://europeancarbon.eu
